Community Guidelines for OnlyPlates

Welcome to OnlyPlates!

We’re thrilled you’ve decided to join our community of food lovers. Our mission is to help people discover the best dining experiences, from hidden gems to classic favorites. To maintain a helpful, respectful, and safe environment, please adhere to the following community guidelines:

1. Be Honest, But Respectful

Share your genuine experiences and feedback, but remember that restaurant staff and owners are people too. Keep criticism constructive.

2. No Discrimination or Hate Speech

Discriminatory remarks based on race, religion, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, political beliefs, or other personal characteristics will not be tolerated.

3. Keep it Family-Friendly

No profanity, explicit content, or discussions of illegal activities.

4. No Personal Attacks

Critique the food, not the people. Personal attacks against other members or restaurant staff will be removed.

5. No Spamming

Refrain from posting the same review multiple times, self-promotion, or other forms of spam.

6. Respect Privacy

Do not share personal information about others without their explicit permission. This includes restaurant staff and fellow app users.

7. No Conflicts of Interest

Do not write reviews for restaurants you own, manage, or are employed by. Also, don’t review restaurants based on experiences from other people; your reviews should be based on your own experiences.

8. Be Relevant

Stick to the topic. Reviews should focus on your dining experience. Avoid discussing unrelated topics like political views, personal grievances, etc.

9. Fact-Check Your Content

Make sure your review is factually accurate. Deliberately posting false information is a violation of our guidelines.

10. Report Violations

If you encounter a review or behavior that violates these guidelines, use the report feature or contact our support team.



By participating in the OnlyPlates community, you agree to abide by these guidelines. Failure to do so may result in warnings, temporary suspensions, or permanent bans, at the discretion of our moderation team. We reserve the right to remove any content that we believe violates these guidelines or our Terms of Service. Thank you for helping make OnlyPlates a welcoming and useful community for all!

~ The OnlyPlates Team